Contest of epilogues
Programming based computer animation
9 min, looped DVD- or in infinite variation mode in connection a computing system
I am a great admirer of the writings of the Russian artists Yuri Leyderman, which himself tends to
regard sport as a spiritual field of human activity and has been writing a lot concerning this subject. I was inspired by his writings regarding the creation and concept behind this animation.
The following quote is a extract from Leydermans text “Dead teams”, which was published in the collection Imena elektrokov (Names of the electrons, 1997) -“Football teams die in airplane disaster”, writes Leyderman. “-Its common to say of all sudden death that it is senseless; but can you really call senseless the death of an entire football team? Is there not here a hint of some gleaming victory, an aftertaste of an exact hitting of a mark, the click made by a possibility slamming shut…?”
(Add. Info-Airplane Crash- English Manchester United in 1940, Russian Pakhtakor-Tashkent in 1978, African Zambia national Team in 1993) White -yellow –black. Ironic?
In the projected 3D animation the deceased team is resurrected to endlessly run on field without purpose. The characteristics of a game have vanished. There are no rules, no ball, not even a team, just a tireless activity of performance.
The animation “ Contest of epilogues”-was produced for the Exhibition Performance principle at Muu Gallery in 2007. The work was realized in co-operation with the Finnish Media artist Ilpo Jääskelainen that helped me with creating the 3D modeling and the necessary programming work. The animated players are modeled in relation to a series of sculptures.
“Contest of epilogues”, was never mend to be shown on its own but always combined with a sculptural component. Within this exhibition it was shown in combination with the installation “Performance principle”- a group of eight sculptures made of hard-shell protection parts and nowadays in the work “Patrocoles”, a sculpture in which the work was integrated to be displayed on a LCD screen.
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