Saturday, May 15, 2010


Installation with sculptural and video elements
-Field, Wall 400x450x50 cm, Field 400x500cm,
Silicon molded and hand painted plaster replicas of 25 basketballs,
taped field, iron b.ball rig,
-Hanging 4 channel video display with 23”W TFT Color LCD screens in cone shaped steel display (120x120x60 cm pointed slightly angled towards all 4 directions), HD players
I like to use the term “unfolding” when I talk about my artistic practice because it refers to the process in witch a concept or a form becomes visible in most of its visual and conceptual elements. The installation Dionysia developed out of the same working method. I wanted to unfold a whole basketball match into sculptural elements. The different aspects of the ceremony were dismantled and formed a new spatial set up that disrupted the foreseeable patterns of the game. I was using video displays, sculptural elements, tapings and objects in the realization.
The work title “Dionysia” derives from an ancient religious festival in honor of the god Dionysus, the central event of which was the performance of tragedies and comedies.
The work certainly inhabits both aspects of performance in the sense of the hilarious destruction of rather beautiful sculptures. It also commends on the western conception of time, which is highly dramatic in the Greek sense of movement (dramatic movement).
There is a point of origin; there is progress, linear or even exponential, there is crisis and finally catharsis or fall. Creation and destruction as we observe in the playful learning process of children stays a dormant aspect of human character. A lot of temporary problems are coursed by an excuse to unleash the negative side in the name of competition. Heaven or hell-win or fail. I liked the way that this existed as complete picture after the big event was over. The hanging display shows a 3 min. loop of a basketball game. The balls having been used were authentic looking hollow balls of painted plaster that crashed during a game in which five players performed. Four HD cameras have recorded the happening from different angels.


concrete, thermostat, heating cable

The name “Thermoposteriophobia” describes an overpowering phobia of second hand body warmth. I found an Internet forum were people discussed this more or less common disease. A woman was writing about her problems riding the public transportation and sitting on warm seats after other people she doesn't know. Given a few moments to cool, she will sit right down with no problem, but she will feel the seat before sitting to make sure. In public spaces and Transport systems we constantly exchange involuntarily warmth and also coldness in some cases.

This outside work was realized for the exhibition Intertwining witch dealt with interactive installation. A concrete slap outside the main entrance to the Art academy was my chosen location. During summertime this place is a popular hangout where people drink coffee or smoke but in the finish winter it disappears under snow.
I casted a concrete plate (5cm thickness) with a hidden heating module. The plate has the exact measurements of the concrete block and was placed neatly on top of the former. The heating system is similar to the floor heating devises and maintains an average temperature of 37.0° Celsius.
In dry condition it is an unexpected surprise for a person sitting down on this spot.
During rain or snowfall it leaves a visible mark suggesting a person having left its warmth at this place.

Uncanny valley Version 2

Uncanny valley -Version II
Video-kinetic/installation, steel, Arduino Duemilanove microchip, servo motors, steel pipes, springs, five micro video projectors, concrete

The installation uses simple kinetic elements and video footage of painted body parts, filmed in a black box. A kinetic torso moved by servomotors is fixed to the wall and performs simple body gestures like shrugging its shoulders or gentle swaying in the hip area. Together with this moving frame I arranged five looping videos coming from separate beamers. These complete the figures expression with face, hands and feats.
The strong contrast of black and white reminds of robotic 3Ddesign and creates an alienating feeling.